A new investigation reveals reports of shark, ray, dolphin, and whale abuse on M...More >

On Monday, the 27th, a public hearing will be held to stop the finning trade in ...More >

That's great but let's not stop there! The EU has a chance to finally establish ...More >

@VSinkevicius @EU_Commission @UN @EU_MARE @EU_ENV @EUatUN @EUintheUS @EUClimateA...More >

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Up to 160 pilot whales have stranded at Toby Inlet near Dunsborough, Western Australia, with almost 30 confirmed dead.

The majority have since moved offshore, with wildlife authorities monitoring their movements.

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ (DBCA) Pia Courtis said 29 whales have died, with biological samples to be taken from the animals before they are removed.

She said more than 100 have since moved offshore, but she did not rule out the possibility of their return.

“We’ve got vessels out on the water and we’ve also got a spotter plane up in the air that’s doing searches over every couple of hours to see where they are,” she said.
“So far so good, they haven’t made it back to shore.”

Mass strandings of pilot whales are not uncommon in Australia and New Zealand. But after decades of such events, scientists do not fully understand why they occur. Some researchers think pods go off track after feeding too close to shore.

Via @abcnew s_

This is what 3.1 million lbs(1.4 million kg) looks like.

@theoceancleanup’s interceptor removed it from flowing into the Caribbean Sea from Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala. All in a single evening.

This is one example of thousands in which plastic is entering our oceans at utterly alarming rates.

Share this video. Raise awareness. And take action by demanding a global plastics treaty and consuming less plastic when you can. #plasticpollution #oceanpollution

2024: Demand a global plastics treaty, and STOP buying plastic when there are alternatives.

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