A new investigation reveals reports of shark, ray, dolphin, and whale abuse on M...More >

On Monday, the 27th, a public hearing will be held to stop the finning trade in ...More >

That's great but let's not stop there! The EU has a chance to finally establish ...More >

@VSinkevicius @EU_Commission @UN @EU_MARE @EU_ENV @EUatUN @EUintheUS @EUClimateA...More >

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Expose the Truth.
Protect the Planet.

OPS inspires, empowers, and connects a global community using high-impact films and visual storytelling to expose the most critical issues facing our planet.

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We Create to Inspire. We Collaborate to Solve.

By documenting humankind's formidable impact on the environment, we inspire action and motivate change.

Combining state-of-the-art technology, courage, and covert operations, OPS harnesses the power of the camera to expose crimes against nature and illuminate solutions.

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We highlight the beauty of our shared home by projecting compelling content onto iconic architecture worldwide.

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OPS films help change the world.

We shine a light on the most critical issues facing our planet.

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Making Waves on Instagram

OPS has long been committed to the conservation and protection of biodiversity. To celebrate Earth Day 2024, we’re proud to join hands with @eowilsonbiodiversityfoundation to lift up a special message from longtime conservationist Harrison Ford.

In his message, Ford asks us to pay attention to the quiet voices of biodiversity that are so critical
to the enduring sustainability of our planet. As Ford states so eloquently, “The most meaningful thing
we can do in our time on Earth is to ensure that the rope isn’t too frayed for the next generation.”

Ford has shared his message in support of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation’s Half-Earth
Project, which is inspiring informed collective action to save the biosphere and using geospatial
information to inform what network of places should be prioritized for conservation in order to
protect the most species.

Inspired by his friendship with E.O. Wilson, Ford’s message speaks to our shared human resolve
to save the natural world. Click the link in our bio to watch the full video. #EarthDay2024 #HalfEarthProject #Biodiversity #EOWilson #HarrisonFord

Many of us are familiar with the plight of the Vaquita population, but are you familiar with the Hector’s dolphin?

Endemic to New Zealand, it’s the rarest dolphin in the world, and it’s lost more than 75% of its population.

The species is in great danger at the hands of the fishing industry—as bycatch is plunging the species towards extinction.

The most alarming factor is that Hector’s dolphins are LEGALLY allowed to be caught as bycatch, but it’s ILLEGAL to not report them.

Not surprisingly, this has lad to fishermen hiding evidence of their fishing practices so consumers won’t judge their products.

Last year, New Zealand’s government enforced the implementation of video cameras on all fishing vessels as a means of documenting what’s really going on onboard.

According to Sea Shepherd’s research, the amount of entanglements has been rising, and the amount of reported dolphins found dead on the beach and floating at sea has diminished, which strongly suggests that before the cameras were installed, the dolphins were being thrown overboard instead of being reported.

Professor Emeritus Liz Slooten, University of Otago, comments: “Despite the very small number of fishing boats with cameras so far, the results have been alarming. So far 6 Hector’s dolphin deaths in fishing nets were detected In just over 3 months (20 September 2023 – 3 January 2024) off the east coast of the South Island. In the same period last year only 1 dolphin was caught.”

The government hasn’t yet done anything about this issue, but now we have confidence that the fishing industry is responsible for the decline of the species.

Click the link in our bio to read more.

Vaquita footage vai @seashepherdsscs
Video: @seaspiracy

Some video clips make your heart swell with love for the ocean. This is one of them. Thank you @michaelboyyd for sharing this beautiful moment with the world. ☮️🌊 ...

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